Can I Get A Little Rumble From Everybody??

First, turn your volume up, a lot. Its a quiet video. Then enjoy 🙂

So I don’t do this on purpose. Inspiration finds me I swear. Got this one from a movie I watched Friday night, after thinking all day about how to help you guys after practice last week. As you all know Jeff came to practice last Thursday. We agreed  it was a good and productive practice, until the end. He and I had a long talk after about the pro’s and con’s of this team. He said, you have all the pieces you need, but you lack passion as a team. There is a clear lack of sacrifice from some of your players. There is no visible passion from your team. Not enough personal sacrifice.

As your coach, I know we all want to be successful. Most of us are willing to put in the time, the effort, the extra reps to actually be succesful. You accept coaching, and information well. I truly believe that you guys want success. Both individually and as a team. But he is right, there does seem to be a lack of passion. I am not the only one that feels it. Even some of you feel it.

There is a breakdown somewhere between our minds and our hearts. Your mind will get you far. It will help you process and retain information that is vital to success. It will make you more of a student of the game. BUT…..and this is a highly important, life changing, Kim Kardashian sized but……( did I really just say that?, I did only use one “t”)


You need to allow your heart to take control. Your mind will only throw in ingredients to success. Your heart will season it. I know each onoe of you has passion in your soul. If you didn’t, if all this wasn’t important to you, you wouldn’t give what you give to be a part of it. We just need to learn as a team, to let our heart guide us, control us, make us absolutely crazy in love with this sport!

Example. We do need to know “who’s ball is that one”…but more importantly we need to know that as a passionate team and individual athlete, I have the right to exercise my “love of the game” to get that ball up and look incredible amazing because I did. Let’s remember that talking, diving, running, blocking, hitting, setting, coming to practice, going to tournaments, winning, LOSING………are all  AWESOME beyond belief!!! Because we have the chance, the opportunity, and the support to be passionate. Like artists. Let’s throw caution to the wind a little more, and go be the passionate athletes I know we are.

Trust me when I tell you, the information is important…..but passion…..competative drive…..that is the real deal!

Right now, our system is broken, but if a few cells can just start the process……our entire system can be healed.

Can I get a little rumble?

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