“Its been said …

“Its been said that you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in place. To move ahead you have to run even faster”. -unknown

Volleyball is evolving. Girls are starting younger, being trained at higher levels, and playing tougher opponents with each passing season. Already, there is no time off for club volleyball players in California. We go from highschool season, to playoffs, straight in to club, play club for 7 months, fill our few weeks off with camps and clinics over the summer, and the hurry home just in time for pre-season conditioning for high school. We are “running” as fast as we can already, but since everyone else is too….how do we get the edge? I say we run “smarter”. Our minds are too powerful to waste during this long season. 2-3 days a week we can practice the physical skills of volleyball, but if we spend a little extra time using our minds and growing our volleyball IQ’s we can practice with an edge over the competition.

So, this blog, is intended to provide a medium for learning outside the 2-3 days a week in the gym, while our bodies are resting. The more we think about, talk about, read about, and visualize volleyball, the more of an advantage we can create. I am a busy mother of 3 young ones, but I will post as often as possible. I want to do right by you as athletes. I know you all want to win, but everyone wants to win. Everyone also wants to win the lottery, but not everyone goes to the store to get the tickets. Winning is a by product of specific actions such as preparation, hard work, and developing mental toughness.  So, together, lets “talk the talk” here, so we can better “walk the walk” there. You in? I’m in.

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